Christian Motivational Speaker
Embrace New Beginnings
Keep Moving Forward... One Step At A Time
Christian Motivational Speaker
Keep Moving Forward... One Step At A Time
The idea for Embrace New Beginnings was birthed when forced with the decision to either let go of the "old" me and step fully into the "new" me OR hold on to the bitterness and resentment that raged inside stemming from how trauma had forever stolen the person I once was before that fateful night.
My name is Hannah Lockwood, and I am a thriving survivor of a serial rapist attack and attempted murder through strangulation.
Aside from the serious physical injuries and horrific PTSD, I also suffered from an anoxic/traumatic brain injury which left me with little to no short-term memory afterwards. I couldn't remember conversations or meals I had only hours prior. I would see the same neighbors repeatedly and in my mind it was first time I met them. People would get upset and tell me I keep asking the same questions every time I see them.
My brain would see a green street light, and I'd begin walking across the street only to hear car horns going off everywhere realizing the light was red, not green, while standing in the middle of the road dazed and confused. I remember hanging post-it notes everywhere in my home so I would remember simple tasks like eating lunch, feed the pets, not take my medication multiple times or simply forget all together. It was an extremely embarrassing and dangerous time in my life.
Not to mention the immense, paralyzing fear I had when men out walking got too close to me or worse strolling directly behind me. Flashes of violence would blast my thoughts leaving me in a state of panic every where I went. I hated leaving the house for fear of danger trailing my every step outside in this now scary world. Every bit of confidence I once had in people, my safety and viewing the world as a "good" place had been completely thrown in the incinerator.
Fortunately, I had many trauma recovery resources provided to help me heal, process through the psychological effects, and discover a brand new person left standing after all the tragedy dust had settled. Thanks to an amazing District Attorney, other victims and I were given an opportunity to courageously testify in court which successfully led to a conviction and lengthy prison sentence.
A very dangerous person was removed from society, and as a unified group we did our part to help make this world more safe for others. I received justice in its fullest capacity, but even in that victory I woke up to the reality that only fragmented pieces of myself remained.
I made a positive but difficult choice to Embrace New Beginnings by working feverishly in finding a place for these misshapen puzzle pieces to create a new (more beautiful) picture even though it no longer resembled the initial image on the box.
And you know what?
This revitalized product ended up being amazingly better than the one before. The new me, Hannah 2.0, came out healthy, healed and whole... and with a purpose-filled destiny to help others in need who are going through some of the most painful and frightening changes in their lives. For that, I am proud.
My goal is to inspire growth, shine light on the path to wholeness, and connect you to a supportive community that walks along side you throughout your journey as you embrace change head-on, empowered and from a Christ-centered and Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) platform.
Jesus Christ is the rock on which we stand. All other ground is sinking sand. No matter what we go through in life, God is always in full control and able to bring us through to the other side victoriously. If we process every emotion, thought, and reaction through Jesus first, the Holy Spirit is faithful to bring us out of every mess successfully every time.
Then God will use that mess and turn it into a life-saving message for other people going through their own traumatic pain.
Without the help of God, I would not have made it through this life-crushing event. It is only because of Jesus, that I am alive today to share my testimony with you. This is my story of how the Lord used a horrific life-changing event that attempted to end my life and turned it into a beautiful blessing that now leads others to renewed life, healing and freedom of their own.
Together, we can Embrace New Beginnings with strength, wisdom, and confidence because no matter what we face in our difficult lives, the Lord is our faithful Healer and Helper in all circumstances.
Join me as I share stories from my past experiences that I hope bring you much-needed healing, closure and empowerment. Most importantly, may they bring you closer to God through a relationship and friendship with Jesus Christ.
People are fickle and fragile, but you can always trust God with your inner most secrets, hidden vulnerabilities and buried pain.
Welcome to Embrace New Beginnings...
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done. He brought me to this position so I could help save the lives of many people" Genesis 50:20
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What voice are you listening to for your life's directions? The ability to make wise and beneficial decisions that positively affect your future is crucial in creating a life worth living. Tuning your ears into the right source allows you to live from a place of clarity, confidence, and concrete stability even if everything around you is unstable. Following the right directions will ensure a safe and successful journey all throughout your life. - 9 minutes 04 seconds
Are you striving for perfection only to feel even more like a failure? Even if you are able to perfect one area of your life, I guarantee you will find yourself right back in the same place all over again with something else. While "Behavior Modification" is often good, sometimes we expend all our energy trying to do the impossible that leaves us feeling worthless. Remove that heavy burden off yourself and place it on the one who can truly bring about miraculous transformation that is both positive and long-lasting. - 20 minutes 31 seconds
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Hannah Lockwood Embrace New Beginnings
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